Belmont Park School SEND Report
At Belmont Park School, we foster a relational approach and underpin what we do through trauma informed practice. We understand that many of our young people join us having been out of education for some significant time and with negative experiences of school. We work closely with families to put in place the support needed to enable their child to access education and thrive.
We have adapted our environment and make reasonable adjustments through quality first teaching. Our strategies are informed by best practice outlined in the NASEN Teacher Handbook . In line with the SEND Code of Practice we aim to provide the right support to ensure that all our young people are able to access an ambitious offer, are able to build trusting relationships, make healthy lifestyle decisions and engage in healthy relationships.
All of our children have provisions outlined in their EHCPs to meet their needs, there are also occasions when additional specialist support is required to allow us to support the next steps in their learning journey. Additional support may be given for a set period of time or for a longer period to ensure every child can access our curriculum effectively and are fully included in learning opportunities and school events. Our parents/carers are informed, included and supported throughout such periods of provision.
All our children have identified primary needs in the area of Social, Emotional or Mental Health however many also have other needs in the areas of:
Communication and Interaction (most commonly autism and/or speech and language needs)
Cognition and Learning (most commonly specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia)
Physical or Sensory (most commonly hearing and/or visual impairment)
See our EHCP page to see how we may meet your child's needs.
Our SENDCo: Haseeb Ahmed
For more information about topics see below: