Exam Results
Our context
We are a specialist setting for young people who have an Education, Health and Care plan with a primary need of social, emotional and mental health needs. We have a capacity of 75 students offering education to pupils across Year 7 – 11.
We believe passionately in supporting and nurturing our pupils as well as aspiring to provide them with outstanding and creative learning opportunities.
We have a small number of students who are on assessment placements as their EHCP are being drafted. Waltham Forest students are referred through borough Special Educational Needs Service.
Our Offer
In view of the gaps in learning that many, if not all of our pupils arrive with, we provide opportunities for all pupils to gain qualifications across GCSEs, BTEC Level 1 and 2, City & Guilds and Functional Skills Levels 1 and 2. Additionally, there are many opportunities where we empower our pupils off-site through building their self-confidence and enabling them to develop their individual strengths and endeavour to provide them with the skills they need to lead constructive and fulfilling adult lives.
Our Promise
We demonstrate high expectations for our pupils as a starting point to aspiring to level the playing field for them whilst offering them the same quality and equality of education as their mainstream counterparts have access to. We ensure that new pupils are assessed accordingly with relevant and targeted interventions and support put in-place as early as when they are transitioning into the school as our starting point to enabling pupils to access the curriculum whilst developing a sense of belonging at Belmont Park School.
View the school Performance tables
View the Highlights from our 2023 - 2024 cohort