Raising Concerns & Complaints
Occasionally parents maybe concerned about an aspect of their child’s education or welfare at school. This could include issues concerning the school’s approach to aspects of the curriculum, homework, behavioural problems or any other issue.
If the concern is about a pupil, the teachers and staff will explain the school practices, policies, and how they affect the pupils. Most concerns can be handled by the class teacher or by the subject co-ordinator if this is thought to be more helpful.
In the first instance, it is usual to speak to the student’s class teacher, or contact the school office to arrange an appointment to discuss the concern.
If you believe it is not appropriate to contact your child's class teacher, we would ask you to contact the Headteacher Miss Abedah Karim, using the contact details given below:
Tel: 0208 556 0006
Email: abedah.karim@belmontpark.waltham.sch.uk
We have also attached our Complaints Procedure for your information.
Alternatively, you can contact The Special Educational Needs Disability Information & Advice Support Service provided by Waltham Forest Citizen's Advice Office who offer a confidential listening and support service.
Their contact details are as follows:
Tel 07494280073
Safeguarding is an area of key importance to Belmont Park School and one that is regularly reviewed to ensure that we continue to meet all areas of need. To support this, we have developed a Safeguarding Suite of Policies and all staff have received safeguarding training. We also have named senior members of staff who hold specific areas of safeguarding responsibility and a Safeguarding Governor.
Who to contact if you have a safeguarding concern?
If you have concerns about any of the students who attend Belmont Park School, please do not hesitate to contact the Designated Safeguarding Leads at the School to discuss your concerns. Their contact details are given below or alternatively feel free to pop into the school and ask for them direct at the School Office.
Headteacher Abedah Karim (Designated Safeguarding Lead) on 0208 556 0006
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Rohan Cummings (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead) on 0208 556 0006
However, if you feel your concern is an emergency, then please contact 999.
Safeguarding Policies
We review our Safeguarding Suite of Policies regularly to ensure compliance with current guidance and cascaded out to staff and governors.
Our safeguarding policies are listed on this page for your information.
We have also provided parents/carers with safeguarding information within the Parents & Carers section of this website so that they are also empowered.
See attached for Safeguarding Policy.
See attached for Staff Grievance Procedures.
See attached for Medical Needs Policy.
See attached for Whistle Blowing Policy.
See attached for Positive Handling Policy.
See attached for Complaints Policy.
See attache for Data Infringement Policy.
See attached for Anti-bullying Policy.
As part of our ongoing holistic approach to safeguarding pupils against any threat to their health, safety and wellbeing, we support the teaching of Traditional British Values at Belmont Park School. We also work closely with partner agencies to promote the safety of our community.
Working with the Local Authority, we have made sure that we have clear procedures in place to address any concerns that we may have about potential radicalisation or extremist views.
Our Anti-Radicalisation & Extremism statement sets out our beliefs, strategies and procedures we have adopted to protect pupils from being radicalised or exposed to extremism. Our Teaching Traditional British Values statement outlines how we aim to effectively address this area within school.