The Governing Body of Belmont Park School is drawn from all areas of the community and meets regularly to develop the strategic direction of the school.
Governors also have a key role in ensuring that that there is due regard of process in the school’s daily actions and to support this regularly visit the school to meet with key individuals.
If you need to contact a governor please email the school at If your query is confidential please either send a letter to the governor in an envelope marked private and confidential and the admin staff will send it on or if the matter is urgent please ring the school office and one of the admin team will contact the governor and request a phone call to you.
Belmont Park School - Governing Body
Local Authority Governor
Jonathan Reades - Chair of Governors
Co-Opted Governors
Sharon Teasdale-Mellid - Finance
Maudie Oppenheim - Quality of Education
Tahira Ahmed - Safeguarding
Lillian Gerber - Personal Development
Zeporah Francis - SEND
Staff Governors
Haseeb Ahmed
Parent Governors
Tiffeny Alexander
Senior Staff
Abedah Karim - Headteacher (Voting)
Declarations of Interest
1 Parent Governor
1 staff Governor
2 co-opted Governors
Parents interested in being part of the decision making process at Belmont Park School by joining the Governing Body should contact school office on 0208 556 0006.
The Governing Body are in the process of deciding which sub committee (Finance or Curriculum) they will opt on to and which areas of responsibility they will undertake. Once the decision had been finalised the list will be updated.
DBS Requirements
In line with the School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012, all of our governors have an enhanced DBS certificate in place.
These certificates are renewed on a 3 year basis in line with LBWF guidance.