Belmont Park School

Dream, Believe, Achieve

“My mind is at rest here & I can breathe”

Student feedback to Ofsted (October, 2018)

“I can understand myself now and I know strategies which help me to regulate”

Year 11 Student (February 2025)

Belmont Park School caters for 75 students with Social, Emotional, and Mental Health needs. 

We support and educate young people aged between 11-16 years old who require a specialist provision within a small school setting.

Belmont Park School - Curriculum

Our Curriculum Vision

Our Curriculum aims to equip all our learners with the knowledge and resilience to engage in learning, have confidence in their knowledge and have the skills to access and advocate for themselves when they step into the wider world.

Our Curriculum Intent

At Belmont Park School we offer a broad and balanced curriculum for students starting at Year 7, through to Year 11. We understand that the needs of our young people mean that the adaptations in class must be paired with a therapeutic offer.

Our staff use knowledge based strategies to ensure that the adaptations equip students with emotional literacy and strategies to understand their own needs alongside the academic breadth and challenge for students to grow in confidence and actively engage with learning. 

Core skills are developed through our reading programme and independent sessions where students access interventions from qualified staff to build skills.

The school’s therapeutic offer begins with the ethos of the school. We use a trauma sensitive approach  and we use the Thrive model of Emotional Development to support practice. Alongside this we have an on site counsellor, CAMHs practitioner and input from the Educational Psychologist and Speech and Language Therapist to support engagement in learning through specialist advice.  

Our curriculum offers our students structured opportunities to develop skills which prepare them for the real world. This includes working with the local community through our work with the local market and working with site staff and with the School Office.

We implement the curriculum through quality first teaching, small group intervention and 1:1 intervention, whilst addressing anxiety around learning through a personalised approach. We recognise that a base of strong knowledge, built over time, is key to their academic progress. 

Through this approach, we aim for all of our students to become independent and secure young adults with agency - who are capable of advocating for their needs in meaningful ways throughout their entire lives.

Pupil Outcomes

We demonstrate high expectations for our pupils as a starting point to aspiring to level the playing field for them whilst offering them the same quality & equality of education as their mainstream counterparts have access to.

We offer a range of qualifications to suit the needs of out young people, ranging from Entry Level qualifications through to GCSE. We also have award winning practitioners delivering vocation courses through City and Guilds and BTEC offers in Construction, Food and Physical Education.

We continually review our offer to adapt to the needs of our students so that none of young people leave without qualifications.

“We have found your school to be both very supportive and insightful. I am sure that when our young person reflects on her time at Belmont she will recognise the kindness, hard work and support she received at the school”

Advisory Teacher Virtual Schools

Headteacher and DSL Abedah Karim

Consultant Headteacher Cristalina Fernandes-Bates

Deputy Head Chloe Doherty

Deputy Head and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Rohan Cummings

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Michelle Tofts

Office Manager, Parent & Public Queries Kiran Ali

Home School Liaison Karim Miah

SENCO Haseeb Ahmed